Hiring service


Hiring service free of cost

For our club customers, we offer our hiring service for flag consecrations or foundation festivals free of cost. Latest by one week before the event, we send to you postage-free:

  • velvet cushion covers for carrying the embroidered flag banners

  • carrying cloth for veiling the new or restored club flag

  • three to four "Herzlich Willkommen" and „Auf Wiedersehen“ street banners, abt. 80 x 500 cm, made of fabric

  • up to ten bannerflags in a size of 120 x 300 cm with crossbar, readily finished in the following executions:
    white-blue, Bavarian rhombs, German black-red-gold, red-white, and green-white

  • for firebrigades, we also offer the firebrigade bannerflag "Retten-Löschen-Bergen-Schützen" (saving, extinguishing, salvaging, protecting)
    Format: 150 x 400 cm with crossbar, readily finished 

For a return sending within 14 days after the festival, the club takes over the transport costs.
