Fahnen Kössinger GmbHAm Gewerbering 23
84069 Schierling near Regensburg
Route planner
How to find us
On the B15
arriving from the direction of Landshut:
You turn left on the B15 in Buchhausen in the direction of Schierling. After the train underbridge you follow the preference road that leads to the right. After about 500m, still before the road sign, we are the first house on the right side. On the B15
arriving from the direction of Regensburg:
In Eggmühl, turn right in the direction to Schierling. In Schierling, you turn left at the first crossing (there is an EDEKA supermarket at the right side). After crossing the railway, you turn left again following the sign "Gewerbegebiet". Please note that the first house with the name of "Kössinger" is NOT ours. You pass by this company by another 300 meters, only then you reach our company building with the name of "Fahnen Kössinger". Position plan

Coming from the A93
from the direction of Munich/München:
You leave the highway at the exit of Abensberg and turn right into the direction of Langquaid. After some 7 km you automatically reach our municipality of Schierling.Coming from the A93
from the direction of Regensburg:
Leave the highway at the triangle "Saalhaupt" turning right onto the "B 15neu" into the direction of Landshut/Neufahrn/Schierling - until the exit "Schierling-Süd". From there, you drive onto the southern deviation "Südumgehung" of Schierling, where you reach the exit to the industrial area of Schierling "An der Fruehaufstraße" after about one kilometer. Exiting, you can already see our company building with the name of "Fahnen Kössinger".Having reached Schierling:
Our enterprise is situated in the industrial area. Please follow the direction signs to the "Gewerbegebiet". Having arrived there, take the street leading outside of the town and pass the companies Labertaler Mineralquellen and KÖSSINGER AG (this is not our company!). Only after another 400 meters will you find us - there is a big triangular panel with our company name FAHNEN KÖSSINGER showing you that you have found us.We are looking forward to your visit!