Fahnen Kössinger represents almost 90 years of experience in the producton and restoration of embroidered club flags, standards and banners. We provide you with advice about the conservation, cleaning and maintenance of your flag as well as about the necessary accessories and also supply you with printed flags for each club.
Article survey - Club flags

Club flags
Each embroidered flag is a treasure. In order to conserve its worth over decadesread more

Since antiquity, standards have been used as an identification symbole during military campaignsread more

Flag restoration
When restoring flags, we attach great importance to conserve the originality of the flag that has to be restoredread more

Flag conservation
Besides doing restorations, the specialists at Fahnen Kössinger's are also experienced in the techniques of conservationread more

Flag banners
Flag banners are a signal for high esteem and are usually donated to the club during the flag consecrationread more

Flag accessories
The precious flags from Fahnen Kössinger are equipped with complete accessories in highest quality.read more

Cleaning and refreshing
Even with the most careful treatment and handling of the club flag it cannot always be avoided that it getsread more

Donation campaign
Financing a new flag or standard poses a major problem for most clubs. Fahnen Kössinger has got a solution.read more

Church banners
We recommend these banners in a format of abt. 80 x 120 cm or 90 x 130 cm, but of course, also otherread more

Waving flags
These printed flags with a wooden pole can be used for different purposes. Most of the time, fans take themread more
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