Homogeneous clothing for club and association
From the classical T-shirt over sportive polo shirts up to robust rainwear - Fahnen Kössinger offers club apparel with individual refinement by embroidery, printing or flock coating. Show your belonging to you club, association or team by homogeneous clothing.
No matter if firebrigade or music club, shooting association or Catholic Youth Movement, we equip your male and female members matching from head to foot with trendy clothing.
Fahnen Kössinger offers club wear in the most different executions and qualities. We gladly send you our extensive textile catalogue for club wear.
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Product details
Brandse.g. Fruit of the Loom
James & Nicholson
and many more
Silk screen printing
Digital printing
Standard motives for clubs
or individually on customer demand
Fleece and softshell jackets
and many more

For occasions where it is not appropriate to wear the classical uniform, we offer an extensive choice of clothing and accessories. After the end of the official festivities, people like to change into comfortable and easy-care leisure clothing. Children and youngsters also like to show their belonging to the club then. That is why we offer a big variety of sizes, colors, and executions for T-shirts, polos, jackets or sweatshirts as well as baseball caps that can be refined, e.g. by embroidering your logo onto them or by some other method of upgrading.
Shooting clubs
This is a way for the whole shooting club to show their togetherness also outside of official events - with embroidered and printed leisure wear by well-known brands such as James & Nicholson and Myrtle Beach. Practical waistcoats can be combined with suitable polos and baseball caps. We refine all pieces with your shooting motive and attach writings onto the breast or back of sweatshirts and jackets. And this not only in the classical green for shooters - we can provide a great variety of colors, cuts, and qualities.
Young Catholics Clubs
These Catholic youth clubs like to show themselves in homogeneous clothing when they plan concerted events. We embroider and print the classical shirts and blouses with standard motives such as the country youth logo and additionally with the place name. Suitable neckties and scarves can also be provided by us. Before the start of a jubilee or a festivity, simple T-shirts with printing serve as cheap advertising means. At the proper event, the members wear polos, sweatshirts, and softshell jackets in uniform coloring with the club name. A baseball cap with the logo gives additional boost.
Fraternity clubs
Fraternity clubs like it a little more rustic. Therefore, we offer costume shirts with piping and imitation horn buttons as accessories for your leather trousers with the logo and names of your club. The girls' group is equipped with T-shirts, polos, and jackets that also bear the name of the place and club in embroidery or printing. This can be put onto the breast pocket as well as the backside. Scarves and neckties provide official festivities the necessary elegance. The refined baseball cap and a possible rain protection serve as additional accessory.
Further clubs
Working with thousands of clubs of all kinds for decades already, we know their logos and have an extensive fund of standard motives available. Together with your own club logos and writings these are used for refining our brand articles such as t-shirts and polos by Fruit of the Loom and B&C, softshell jackets by Russel or baseballcaps by US Basic. Many of our articles can be combined among one another so that your club clothing matches completely from head to toe. Each club can thus be identified as a companionship and shows a harmonic overall picture.